What is Graphic Design ? Read Some Interesting.

In Today's Technology Driven World Every Visual Things Transforming into Digital Form. Lifestyle of people changing Fast. Marketing and Advertising techniques are also changing Faster. Computer Aided Designs (graphic design) are approach of every company and business to promote and boost their sales growth.

What is Graphic Design ?

To describe it in the most abstract way, graphic design focuses on visual communication using various elements and media to convey a specific message.

graphic design Principles

Because graphic design, also known as communication design, enables more effective storytelling, designers use standardized decisions that have been influenced by psychological studies of human behavior that have been peer-reviewed.

The science of design consists of a variety of techniques used by designers, such as using a specific palette of colors to create predictable emotional responses.

The elements considered by designers are:


Shapes also communicate with the audience in many different ways. For example, ovals tend to welcome visitors (this is why most "open" signs are surrounded by ovals), while square shapes give a more neat appearance. On the page itself, the arrangement of graphic elements with predictable / random patterns contributes to the general communication effect.


Typography (selection and dimensioning of certain fonts) can convey something. For example, a sans serif font shows authority as opposed to a thin stroke font.


Colors and their juxtaposition have a direct impact on how the audience emotionally deals with a design.

Used tool

It is the job of a graphic designer to arrange and use elements on different media types (website, poster or package) using graphic software programs such as Adobe Illustrator Photoshop or InDesign.

Graphic designers use Adobe Illustrator to create symbols, infographics and related elements because it supports intricate vector graphics and scalable graphics.

Adobe Photoshop has hundreds of specialized editing tools and filters to customize photos or similar image files.

The frame-based layout program Adobe InDesign helps designers to compile the elements of their product in one file.

Designers on a tight budget can use open source options for standard applications.


While normal printed matter can do the job, adding textures in the form of non-standard elements such as embossing, fabrics, or foils provides the audience with a tangible experience that further affects the overall perception of the design.

A designer also considers spaces. Empty space that is free of any elements can be as powerful as something tangible. Designs that have a lot of this "negative" space can look simple yet sophisticated. In addition, more blank space on a page with a lot of printed text can lead to easy reader participation.

A graphic designer should not only rely on the "scientific" aspect of design, but also use his own creativity or imagination to develop a product that meets a customer's needs.

Use graphic design

You will witness the daily work of professional designers. They create a variety of designs, ranging from simple stationary templates to complicated advertising campaigns. They always start applying the art and science aspects of their skills.

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